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Dale Schuurmans

Dale Schuurmans

Dale Schuurmans is a Research Scientist, Professor of Computing Science at the University of Alberta, Canada CIFAR AI Chair, Amii Fellow, and Fellow of the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence.

More information can be found at www.cs.ualberta.ca/~daes and on Google Scholar

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    Preview abstract Careful prompt design is critical to the use of large language models in zero-shot or few-shot learning. As a consequence, there is a growing interest in automated methods to design optimal prompts. In this work, we propose Test-time Prompt Editing using Reinforcement learning (TEMPERA). In contrast to prior prompt generation methods, TEMPERA can efficiently leverage prior knowledge, is adaptive to different queries and provides an interpretable prompt for every query. To achieve this, we design a novel action space that allows flexible editing of the initial prompts covering a wide set of commonly-used components like instructions, few-shot exemplars, and verbalizers. The proposed method achieves significant gains compared with recent SoTA approaches like prompt tuning, AutoPrompt, and RLPrompt, across a variety of tasks including sentiment analysis, topic classification, natural language inference, and reading comprehension. Our method achieves 5.33x on average improvement in sample efficiency when compared to the traditional fine-tuning methods. View details
    Preview abstract Chain-of-thought prompting combined with pre-trained large language models has achieved encouraging results on complex reasoning tasks. In this paper, we propose a new decoding strategy, self-consistency, to replace the naive greedy decoding used in chain-of-thought prompting. It first samples a diverse set of reasoning paths instead of only taking the greedy one, and then selects the most consistent answer by marginalizing out the sampled reasoning paths. Self-consistency leverages the intuition that a complex reasoning problem typically admits multiple different ways of thinking leading to its unique correct answer. Our extensive empirical evaluation shows that self-consistency boosts the performance of chain-of-thought prompting with a striking margin on a range of popular arithmetic and commonsense reasoning benchmarks, including GSM8K (+17.9%), SVAMP (+11.0%), AQuA (+12.2%), StrategyQA (+6.4%) and ARC-challenge (+3.9%). View details
    Preview abstract Approaches to policy optimization have been motivated from diverse principles, based on how the parametric model is interpreted or how the learning objective is formulated, yet they share a common goal of maximizing expected return. To better capture the commonalities and identify the key differences between alternative policy optimization methods, we develop a unified perspective that re-expresses the underlying update rules in terms of a limited choice of gradient form and a scaling function. In particular, we identify a unified space of approximate gradient updates for policy optimization that is highly structured, yet covers both classical and recent examples, including PPO. The primary benefit is that the framework also reveals novel but still well motivated updates that generalize existing algorithms in a way that can deliver benefits both in terms of convergence speed and final result quality. An experimental investigation demonstrates that the additional degrees of freedom identified in the unification can be leveraged to obtain non-trivial improvements both in synthetic domains and on popular deep RL benchmarks. View details
    Preview abstract Stochastic dual dynamic programming~(SDDP) is one of the state-of-the-art algorithm for multi-stage stochastic optimization, yet its cost exponentially increases w.r.t. the size of decision variables, therefore, quickly becomes inapplicable for high-dimension problems. We introduce a neuralized component into SDDP, which outputs a \emph{piece-wise linear function} in a \emph{low-dimension} space to approximate the value function, based on the \emph{context of the problem instances}. The neuralized component will consistently evolve to abstract effective low-dimension action space and improve the quality of value function approximation for each problem based on prior successful experiences. It is seamlessly integrated with SDDP, formed our neural enhanced solver,~\AlgName~(\algshort), which achieves the optimality \emph{without loss of accuracy} in \emph{faster speed} for high-dimension and long-horizon multi-stage stochastic optimizations. We conduct thorough empirical experiments to demonstrate the benefits of \algshort from transferability on scalability.~\algshort significantly outperforms the competitors, including SDDP and variants of RL algorithms, in terms of solution quality and feasibility, and computational speed. View details
    Emergent abilities of large language models
    Barret Zoph
    Colin Raffel
    Dani Yogatama
    Jason Wei
    Liam B. Fedus
    Maarten Paul Bosma
    Percy Liang
    Sebastian Borgeaud
    Tatsunori B. Hashimoto
    Yi Tay
    TMLR (2022)
    Preview abstract Scaling up language models has been shown to predictably confer a range of benefits such as improved performance and sample efficiency. This paper discusses an unpredictable phenomenon that we call emergent abilities of large language models. Such emergent abilities have close to random performance until evaluated on a model of sufficiently large scale, and hence their emergence cannot be predicted by extrapolating a scaling law based on small-scale models. The emergence of such abilities suggests that additional scaling could further expand the range of tasks that language models can perform. We discuss the implications of these phenomena and suggest directions for future research. View details
    Preview abstract We study stochastic policy optimization in the on-policy case and make the following four contributions. \textit{First}, we show that the ordering of optimization algorithms by their efficiency gets reversed when they have or they not to the true gradient information. In particular, this finding implies that, unlike in the true gradient scenario, geometric information cannot be easily exploited without detrimental consequences in stochastic policy optimization. \textit{Second}, to explain these findings we introduce the concept of \textit{committal rate} for stochastic policy optimization, and show that this can serve as a criterion for determining almost sure convergence to global optimality. \textit{Third}, we show that if there is no external mechanism that allows an algorithm to determine the difference between optimal and sub-optimal actions using only on-policy samples, then there must be an inherent trade-off between exploiting geometry to accelerate convergence versus achieving optimality almost surely. That is, an algorithm either converges to a globally optimal policy with probability $1$ but at a rate no better than $O(1/t)$, or it achieves a faster than $O(1/t)$ convergence rate but then must fail to converge to the globally optimal deterministic policy with some positive probability. \textit{Finally}, we use our committal rate theory to explain why practical policy optimization methods are sensitive to random initialization, and how an ensemble method with parallelism can be guaranteed to achieve near-optimal solutions with high probability. View details
    Preview abstract Joint attention — the ability to purposefully coordinate your attention with another person, and mutually attend to the same thing — is an important milestone in human cognitive development. In this paper, we ask whether joint attention can be useful as a mechanism for improving multi-agent coordination and social learning. We first develop deep reinforcement learning (RL) agents with a recurrent visual attention architecture. We then train agents to minimize the difference between the attention weights that they apply to the environment at each timestep, and the attention of other agents. Our results show that this joint attention incentive improves agents’ ability to solve difficult coordination tasks, by helping overcome the problem of exploring the combinatorial multi-agent action space. Joint attention leads to higher performance than a competitive centralized critic baseline across multiple environments. Further, we show that joint attention enhances agents’ ability to learn from experts present in their environment, even when performing single-agent tasks. Taken together, these findings suggest that joint attention may be a useful inductive bias for improving multi-agent learning. View details
    Preview abstract Answering complex natural language questions on knowledge graphs (KGQA) is a challenging task. It requires reasoning with the input natural language questions as well as a massive, incomplete heterogeneous KG. Prior methods obtain an abstract structured query graph/tree from the input question and traverse the KG for answers following the query tree. However, they inherently cannot deal with missing links in the KG. Here we present LEGO, a Latent Execution-Guided reasOning framework to handle this challenge in KGQA. LEGO works in an iterative way, which alternates between (1) a Query Synthesizer, which synthesizes a reasoning action and grows the query tree step-by-step, and (2) a Latent Space Executor that executes the reasoning action in the latent embedding space to combat against the missing information in KG. To learn the synthesizer without step-wise supervision, we design a generic latent execution guided bottom-up search procedure to find good execution traces efficiently in the vast query space. Experimental results on several KGQA benchmarks demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework compared with previous state of the art. View details
    Preview abstract Classical global convergence results for first-order methods rely on uniform smoothness and the Łojasiewicz inequality. Motivated by properties of objective functions that arise in machine learning, we propose a non-uniform refinement of these notions, leading to \emph{Non-uniform Smoothness} (NS) and \emph{Non-uniform Łojasiewicz inequality} (NŁ). The new definitions inspire new geometry-aware first-order methods that are able to converge to global optimality faster than the classical Ω(1/t2) lower bounds. To illustrate the power of these geometry-aware methods and their corresponding non-uniform analysis, we consider two important problems in machine learning: policy gradient optimization in reinforcement learning (PG), and generalized linear model training in supervised learning (GLM). For PG, we find that normalizing the gradient ascent method can accelerate convergence to O(e−t) while incurring less overhead than existing algorithms. For GLM, we show that geometry-aware normalized gradient descent can also achieve a linear convergence rate, which significantly improves the best known results. We additionally show that the proposed geometry-aware descent methods escape landscape plateaus faster than standard gradient descent. Experimental results are used to illustrate and complement the theoretical findings. View details
    On the Optimality of Batch Policy Optimization Algorithms
    Chenjun Xiao
    Yifan Wu
    Tor Lattimore
    Jincheng Mei
    Lihong Li
    ICML 2021 (2021)
    Preview abstract Batch policy optimization considers leveraging existing data for policy construction before interacting with an environment. Although interest in this problem has grown significantly in recent years, its theoretical foundations remain under-developed. To advance the understanding of this problem, we provide three results that characterize the limits and possibilities of batch policy optimization in the finite-armed stochastic bandit setting. First, we introduce a class of confidence-adjusted index algorithms that unifies optimistic and pessimistic principles in a common framework, which enables a general analysis. For this family, we show that any confidence-adjusted index algorithm is minimax optimal, whether it be optimistic, pessimistic or neutral. Our analysis reveals that instance-dependent optimality, commonly used to establish optimality of on-line stochastic bandit algorithms, cannot be achieved by any algorithm in the batch setting. In particular, for any algorithm that performs optimally in some environment, there exists another environment where the same algorithm suffers arbitrarily larger regret. Therefore, to establish a framework for distinguishing algorithms, we introduce a new weighted-minimax criterion that considers the inherent difficulty of optimal value prediction. We demonstrate how this criterion can be used to justify commonly used pessimistic principles for batch policy optimization. View details
    ConQUR: Mitigating Delusional Bias in Deep Q-learning
    DiJia (Andy) Su
    Tyler Lu
    Proceedings of the Thirty-seventh International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML-20), Vienna, Austria (2020)
    Preview abstract Delusional bias is a fundamental source of error in approximate Q-learning. To date, the only techniques that explicitly address delusion require comprehensive search using tabular value estimates. In this paper, we develop efficient methods to mitigate delusional bias by training Q-approximators with labels that are "consistent" with the underlying greedy policy class. We introduce a simple penalization scheme that encourages Q-labels used across training batches to remain (jointly) consistent with the expressible policy class. We also propose a search framework that allows multiple Q-approximators to be generated and tracked, thus mitigating the effect of premature (implicit) policy commitments. Experimental results demonstrate that these methods can improve the performance of Q-learning in a variety of Atari games, sometimes dramatically. View details
    Energy-Based Processes for Exchangeable Data
    Sherry Yang*
    International Conference on Machine Learning (2020)
    Preview abstract Recently there has been growing interest in modeling sets with exchangeability such as point clouds. A shortcoming of current approaches is that they restrict the cardinality of the sets considered or can only express limited forms of distribution over unobserved data. To overcome these limitations, we introduce Energy-Based Processes (EBPs), which extend energy based models to exchangeable data while allowing neural network parameterizations of the energy function. A key advantage of these models is the ability to express more flexible distributions over sets without restricting their cardinality. We develop an efficient training procedure for EBPs that demonstrates state-of-the-art performance on a variety of tasks such as point cloud generation, classification, denoising, and image completion. View details
    A Maximum-entropy Approach to Off-policy Evaluation in Average-reward MDPs
    Dong Yin
    Mehrdad Farajtabar
    Nir Levine
    Dilan Gorur
    Chris Harris
    Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) (2020)
    Preview abstract This work focuses on off-policy evaluation (OPE) with function approximation in infinite-horizon undiscounted Markov decision processes (MDPs). For MDPs that are ergodic and linear (i.e. where rewards and dynamics are linear in some known features), we provide the first finite-sample OPE error bound, extending existing results beyond the episodic and discounted cases. In a more general setting, when the feature dynamics are approximately linear and for arbitrary rewards, we propose a new approach for estimating stationary distributions with function approximation. We formulate this problem as finding the maximum-entropy distribution subject to matching feature expectations under empirical dynamics. We show that this results in an exponential-family distribution whose sufficient statistics are the features, paralleling maximum-entropy approaches in supervised learning. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed OPE approaches in multiple environments. View details
    Escaping the Gravitational Pull of Softmax
    Jincheng Mei
    Chenjun Xiao
    Lihong Li
    Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 33 (NeurIPS 2020)
    Preview abstract The softmax is the standard transformation used in machine learning to map real-valued vectors to categorical distributions. Unfortunately, the softmax poses serious drawbacks for gradient descent optimization. We establish two negative results for this transform: (1) optimizing any expectation with respect to the softmax must exhibit extreme sensitivity to parameter initialization (``the softmax gravity well''), and (2) optimizing log-probabilities under the softmax must exhibit slow convergence (``softmax damping''). Both findings are based on an analysis of convergence rates using the Lojasiewicz inequality. To circumvent these shortcomings we investigate an alternative transformation, the escort (p-norm) mapping, that demonstrates better optimization properties. In addition to proving bounds on convergence rates to firmly establish these results, we also provide experimental evidence for the superiority of the escort transformation. View details
    Preview abstract We study high-confidence behavior-agnostic off-policy evaluation in reinforcement learning, where the goal is to estimate a confidence interval on a target policy’s value, given only access to a static experience dataset collected by unknown behavior policies. Starting from a function space embedding of the linear program formulation of the Q-function, we obtain an optimization problem with generalized estimating equation constraints. By applying the generalized empirical likelihood method to the resulting Lagrangian, we propose CoinDICE, a novel and efficient algorithm for computing confidence intervals. Theoretically, we prove the obtained confidence intervals are valid, in both asymptotic and finite-sample regimes. Empirically, we show in a variety of benchmarks that the confidence interval estimates are tighter and more accurate than existing methods View details
    Preview abstract Learning graph generative models is a challenging task for deep learning and has wide applicability to a range of domains like chemistry, biology and social science. However current deep neural methods suffer from limited scalability: for a graph with n nodes and m edges, existing deep neural methods require Ω(n2) complexity by building up the adjacency matrix. On the other hand, many real world graphs are actually sparse in the sense that m≪n2. Based on this, we develop a novel autoregressive model, named BiGG, that utilizes this sparsity to avoid generating the full adjacency matrix, and importantly reduces the graph generation time complexity to O((n+m)log n). Furthermore, during training this autoregressive model can be parallelized with O(log n) synchronization stages, which makes it much more efficient than other autoregressive models that require Ω(n). Experiments on several benchmarks show that the proposed approach not only scales to orders of magnitude larger graphs than previously possible with deep autoregressive graph generative models, but also yields better graph generation quality. View details
    Preview abstract An important problem that arises in reinforcement learning and Monte Carlo methods is estimating quantities defined by the stationary distribution of a Markov chain. In many real-world applications, access to the underlying transition operator is limited to a fixed set of data that has already been collected, without additional interaction with the environment being available. We show that consistent estimation remains possible in this scenario, and that effective estimation can still be achieved in important applications. Our approach is based on estimating a ratio that corrects for the discrepancy between the stationary and empirical distributions, derived from fundamental properties of the stationary distribution, and exploiting constraint reformulations based on variational divergence minimization. The resulting algorithm, GenDICE, is straightforward and effective. We prove the consistency of the method under general conditions, provide a detailed error analysis, and demonstrate strong empirical performance on benchmark tasks, including off-line PageRank and off-policy policy evaluation. View details
    An Optimistic Perspective on Offline Reinforcement Learning
    Mohammad Norouzi
    International Conference on Machine Learning (2020)
    Preview abstract Off-policy reinforcement learning (RL) using a fixed offline dataset of logged interactions is an important consideration in real world applications. This paper studies offline RL using the DQN replay dataset comprising the entire replay experience of a DQN agent on 60 Atari 2600 games. We demonstrate that recent off-policy deep RL algorithms, even when trained solely on this replay dataset, outperform the fully trained DQN agent. To enhance generalization in the offline setting, we present Random Ensemble Mixture (REM), a robust Q-learning algorithm that enforces optimal Bellman consistency on random convex combinations of multiple Q-value estimates. Offline REM trained on the DQN replay dataset surpasses strong RL baselines. The results here present an optimistic view that robust RL algorithms trained on sufficiently large and diverse offline datasets can lead to high quality policies. The DQN replay dataset can serve as an offline RL benchmark and is open-sourced. Refer to offline-rl.github.io for more details. View details
    On the Global Convergence Rates of Softmax Policy Gradient Methods
    Jincheng Mei
    Chenjun Xiao
    International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) (2020)
    Preview abstract We make three contributions toward better understanding policy gradient methods in the tabular setting. First, we show that with the true gradient, policy gradient with a softmax parametrization converges at a $O(1/t)$ rate, with constants depending on the problem and initialization. This result significantly expands the recent asymptotic convergence results. The analysis relies on two findings: that the softmax policy gradient satisfies a \L{}ojasiewicz inequality, and the minimum probability of an optimal action during optimization can be bounded in terms of its initial value. Second, we analyze entropy regularized policy gradient and show that it enjoys a significantly faster linear convergence rate $O(e^{-t})$ toward softmax optimal policy. This result resolves an open question in the recent literature. Finally, combining the above two results and additional new $\Omega(1/t)$ lower bound results, we explain how entropy regularization improves policy optimization, even with the true gradient, from the perspective of convergence rate. The separation of rates is further explained using the notion of non-uniform \L{}ojasiewicz degree. These results provide a theoretical understanding of the impact of entropy and corroborate existing empirical studies. View details
    Learning Discrete Energy-based Models via Auxiliary-variable Local Exploration
    Rishabh Singh
    Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) (2020) (to appear)
    Preview abstract Discrete structures play an important role in applications like program language modeling, and software engineering. Current approaches to predicting complex structures typically consider autoregressive models for their tractability, with some sacrifice of the flexibility. Energy-based models (EBMs) on the other hand offer a more flexible and thus more powerful approach to modeling such distributions. Learning and inference with EBMs requires the partition function estimation which is intractable in general. For discrete structured data this is even more challenging due to the absence of gradients. In this paper we propose ALOE, a new algorithm for learning conditional and unconditional EBMs for discrete, structured data, where parameter gradients are estimated using a learned sampler mimicking random local search, and thus, achieving a better trade-off between flexibility and tractability. We show that the sampler can still be trained efficiently using a bias reduction principle that alternates between importance reweighted maximum likelihood estimation and Gibbs sampling. Experimentally, we show that learning local search leads to significant improvements on two different domains in program synthesis and software engineering. Most notably, our energy model guided fuzzer for software testing can achieve comparable performance to well engineered fuzzing engines like libfuzzer on some targets. View details
    Preview abstract We consider the problem of approximating the stationary distribution of an ergodic Markov chain given a set of sampled transitions. Classical simulation-based approaches assume access to the underlying process so that trajectories of sufficient length can be gathered to approximate stationary sampling. Instead, we consider an alternative setting where a fixed set of transitions has been collected beforehand, by a separate, possibly unknown procedure. The goal is still to estimate properties of the stationary distribution, but without additional access to the underlying system. We propose a consistent estimator that is based on recovering a correction ratio function over the given data. In particular, we develop a variational power method (VPM) that provides provably consistent estimates under general conditions. In addition to unifying a number of existing approaches from different subfields, we also find that VPM yields significantly better estimates across a range of problems, including queueing, stochastic differential equations, post-processing MCMC, and off-policy evaluation. View details
    A Geometric Perspective on Optimal Representations for Reinforcement Learning
    Marc G. Bellemare
    Will Dabney
    Adrien Ali Taïga
    Nicolas Le Roux
    Tor Lattimore
    Clare Lyle
    NeurIPS (2019)
    Preview abstract We propose a new perspective on representation learning in reinforcement learning based on geometric properties of the space of value functions. We leverage this perspective to provide formal evidence regarding the usefulness of value functions as auxiliary tasks. Our formulation considers adapting the representation to minimize the (linear) approximation of the value function of all stationary policies for a given environment. We show that this optimization reduces to making accurate predictions regarding a special class of value functions which we call adversarial value functions (AVFs). We demonstrate that using value functions as auxiliary tasks corresponds to an expected-error relaxation of our formulation, with AVFs a natural candidate, and identify a close relationship with proto-value functions (Mahadevan, 2005). We highlight characteristics of AVFs and their usefulness as auxiliary tasks in a series of experiments on the four-room domain. View details
    The Value Function Polytope in Reinforcement Learning
    Adrien Ali Taiga
    Nicolas Le Roux
    Marc G. Bellemare
    Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Machine Learning, ICML (2019), pp. 1486-1495 (to appear)
    Preview abstract We establish geometric and topological properties of the space of value functions in finite state-action Markov decision processes. Our main contribution is the characterization of the nature of its shape: a general polytope \cite{aigner2010proofs}. To demonstrate this result, we exhibit several properties of the structural relationship between policies and value functions including the line theorem, which shows that the value functions of policies constrained on all but one state describe a line segment. Finally, we use this novel perspective and introduce visualizations to enhance the understanding of the dynamics of reinforcement learning algorithms. View details
    Learning to Generalize from Sparse and Underspecified Rewards
    Chen Liang
    Mohammad Norouzi
    Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Machine Learning, PMLR, Long Beach, California, USA (2019), pp. 130-140
    Preview abstract We consider the problem of learning from sparse and underspecified rewards, where an agent receives a complex input, such as a natural language instruction, and needs to generate a complex response, such as an action sequence, while only receiving binary success-failure feedback. Such success failure rewards are often underspecified: they do not distinguish between purposeful and accidental success. Generalization from underspecified rewards hinges on discounting spurious trajectories that attain accidental success, while learning from sparse feedback requires effective exploration. We address exploration by using a mode covering direction of KL divergence to collect a diverse set of successful trajectories, followed by a mode seeking KL divergence to train a robust policy. We propose Meta Reward Learning (MeRL) to construct an auxiliary reward function that provides more refined feedback for learning. The parameters of the auxiliary reward function are optimized with respect to the validation performance of a trained policy. The MeRL approach outperforms our alternative reward learning technique based on Bayesian Optimization, and achieves the state-of-the-art on weakly-supervised semantic parsing. It improves previous work by 1.2% and 2.4% on WikiTableQuestions and WikiSQL datasets respectively. View details
    Preview abstract Entropy regularization is commonly used to improve policy optimization in reinforcement learning. It is believed to help \emph{exploration} by encouraging a more stochastic policy. In this work, we analyze that claim and, through new visualizations of the optimization landscape, observe that its effect matches that of a regularizer. We show that even with access to the exact gradient, policy optimization is difficult due to the geometry of the objective function. We qualitatively show that, in some environments, entropy regularization can make the optimization landscape smoother thereby connecting local optima and enabling the use of larger learning rates. This work provides tools for understanding the underlying optimization landscape and highlights the challenge of designing general-purpose optimization algorithms in reinforcement learning. View details
    Advantage Amplification in Slowly Evolving Latent-State Environments
    Martin Mladenov
    Proceedings of the Twenty-eighth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-19), Macau, China (2019), pp. 3165-3172
    Preview abstract Latent-state environments with long horizons, such as those faced by recommender systems, pose significant challenges for reinforcement learning (RL). In this work, we identify and analyze several key hurdles for RL in such environments, including belief state error and small action advantage. We develop a general principle called advantage amplification that can overcome these hurdles through the use of temporal abstraction. We propose several aggregation methods and prove they induce amplification in certain settings. We also bound the loss in optimality incurred by our methods in environments where latent state evolves slowly and demonstrate their performance empirically in a stylized user-modeling task. View details
    Preview abstract We present an efficient algorithm for maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) of the general exponential family, even in cases when the energy function is represented by a deep neural network. We consider the primal-dual view of the MLE for the kinectics augmented model, which naturally introduces an adversarial dual sampler. The sampler will be represented by a novel neural network architectures, dynamics embeddings, mimicking the dynamical-based samplers, e.g., Hamiltonian Monte-Carlo and its variants. The dynamics embedding parametrization inherits the flexibility from HMC, and provides tractable entropy estimation of the augmented model. Meanwhile, it couples the adversarial dual samplers with the primal model, reducing memory and sample complexity. We further show that several existing estimators, including contrastive divergence (Hinton, 2002), score matching (Hyvärinen, 2005), pseudo-likelihood (Besag, 1975), noise-contrastive estimation (Gutmann and Hyvärinen, 2010), non-local contrastive objectives (Vickrey et al., 2010), and minimum probability flow (Sohl-Dickstein et al., 2011), can be recast as the special cases of the proposed method with different prefixed dual samplers. Finally, we empirically demonstrate the superiority of the proposed estimator against existing state-of-the-art methods on synthetic and real-world benchmarks. View details
    Preview abstract In this paper, we revisit the penalized MLE for learning the exponential family distribution whose natural parameter belongs to a reproducing kernel Hilbert space. We introduce the doubly dual embedding technique, by which the computation for the partition function is avoided. It also paves the path to learn a flexible sampler simultaneously, therefore, amortizing the cost of Monte-Carlo sampling in the inference stage. The estimator can be easily generalized for kernel conditional exponential family. Meanwhile, as a byproduct, we establish the connection between Wasserstein GAN and infinite-dimensional exponential family estimation, revealing a new perspective for understanding GANs. Comparing to the existing score matching based estimator initiated by Sriperumbudur et al. (2017), our method is not only more efficient in terms of both the memory and computational cost, but also achieves better statistical convergence rate. The proposed estimator outperforms the current state-of-the-art methods empirically on both kernel conditional and unconditional exponential family estimation. View details
    Non-delusional Q-learning and value-iteration
    Tyler Lu
    Proceedings of the Thirty-second Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS-18), Montreal, QC (2018), pp. 9971-9981
    Preview abstract We identify a fundamental source of error in Q-learning and other forms of dynamic programming with function approximation. Delusional bias arises when the approximation architecture limits the class of expressible greedy policies. Since standard Q-updates make globally uncoordinated action choices with respect to the expressible policy class, inconsistent or even conflicting Q-value estimates can result, leading to pathological behaviour such as over/under-estimation, instability and even divergence. To solve this problem, we introduce a new notion of policy consistency and define a local backup process that ensures global consistency through the use of information sets---sets that record constraints on policies consistent with backed-up Q-values. We prove that both the model-based and model-free algorithms using this backup remove delusional bias, yielding the first known algorithms that guarantee optimal results under general conditions. These algorithms furthermore only require polynomially many information sets (from a potentially exponential support). Finally, we suggest other practical heuristics for value-iteration and Q-learning that attempt to reduce delusional bias. View details
    Preview abstract Trust region methods, such as TRPO, are often used to stabilize policy optimization algorithms in reinforcement learning (RL). While current trust region strategies are effective for continuous control, they typically require a prohibitively large amount of on-policy interaction with the environment. To address this problem, we propose an off-policy trust region method, Trust-PCL. The algorithm is the result of observing that the optimal policy and state values of a maximum reward objective with a relative-entropy regularizer satisfy a set of multi-step pathwise consistencies along any path. Thus, Trust-PCL is able to maintain optimization stability while exploiting off-policy data to improve sample efficiency. When evaluated on a number of continuous control tasks, Trust-PCL improves the solution quality and sample efficiency of TRPO. View details
    Preview abstract State-action value functions (i.e., Q-values) are ubiquitous in reinforcement learning (RL), giving rise to popular algorithms such as SARSA and Q-learning. We propose a new notion of action value defined by a Gaussian smoothed version of the expected Q-value. We show that such smoothed Q-values still satisfy a Bellman equation, making them learnable from experience sampled from an environment. Moreover, the gradients of expected reward with respect to the mean and covariance of a parameterized Gaussian policy can be recovered from the gradient and Hessian of the smoothed Q-value function. Based on these relationships we develop new algorithms for training a Gaussian policy directly from a learned smoothed Q-value approximator. The approach is additionally amenable to proximal optimization by augmenting the objective with a penalty on KL-divergence from a previous policy. We find that the ability to learn both a mean and covariance during training leads to significantly improved results on standard continuous control benchmarks. View details
    Planning and Learning with Stochastic Action Sets
    Martin Mladenov
    Proceedings of the Twenty-seventh International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-18), Stockholm (2018), pp. 4674-4682
    Preview abstract This is an extended version of the paper Planning and Learning with Stochastic Action Sets that appeared in the Proceedings of the Twenty-seventh International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-18), pp.4674-4682, Stockholm (2018). In many practical uses of reinforcement learning (RL) the set of actions available at a given state is a random variable, with realizations governed by an exogenous stochastic process. Somewhat surprisingly, the foundations for such sequential decision processes have been unaddressed. In this work, we formalize and investigate MDPs with stochastic action sets (SAS-MDPs) to provide these foundations. We show that optimal policies and value functions in this model have a structure that admits a compact representation. From an RL perspective, we show that Q-learning with sampled action sets is sound. In model-based settings, we consider two important special cases: when individual actions are available with independent probabilities; and a sampling-based model for unknown distributions. We develop poly-time value and policy iteration methods for both cases; and in the first, we offer a poly-time linear programming solution. View details
    Preview abstract We formulate a new notion of softmax temporal consistency that generalizes the standard hard-max Bellman consistency usually considered in value based reinforcement learning (RL). In particular, we show how softmax consistent action values correspond to optimal policies that maximize entropy regularized expected reward. More importantly, we establish that softmax consistent action values and the optimal policy must satisfy a mutual compatibility property that holds across any state-action subsequence. Based on this observation, we develop a new RL algorithm, Path Consistency Learning (PCL), that minimizes the total inconsistency measured along multi-step subsequences extracted from both both on and off policy traces. An experimental evaluation demonstrates that PCL significantly outperforms strong actor-critic and Q-learning baselines across several benchmark tasks. View details
    Preview abstract This paper presents a novel form of policy gradient for model-free reinforcement learning (RL) with improved exploration properties. Current policy-based methods use entropy regularization to encourage undirected exploration of the reward landscape, which is ineffective in high dimensional spaces with sparse rewards. We propose a more directed exploration strategy that promotes exploration of under-appreciated reward regions. An action sequence is considered under-appreciated if its log-probability under the current policy under-estimates its resulting reward. The proposed exploration strategy is easy to implement, requiring small modifications to an implementation of the REINFORCE algorithm. We evaluate the approach on a set of algorithmic tasks that have long challenged RL methods. Our approach reduces hyper-parameter sensitivity and demonstrates significant improvements over baseline methods. Our algorithm successfully solves a benchmark multi-digit addition task and generalizes to long sequences. This is, to our knowledge, the first time that a pure RL method has solved addition using only reward feedback. View details
    Approximate Linear Programming for Logistic Markov Decision Processes
    Martin Mladenov
    Tyler Lu
    Proceedings of the Twenty-sixth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-17), Melbourne, Australia (2017), pp. 2486-2493
    Preview abstract This is an extended version of the paper Logistic Markov Decision Processes that appeared in the Proceedings of the Twenty-sixth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-17), pp.2486-2493, Melbourne (2017). Online and mobile interactions with users, in areas such as advertising and product or content recommendation, have been transformed by machine learning techniques. However, such methods have largely focused on myopic prediction, i.e., predicting immediate user response to system actions (e.g., ads or recommendations), without explicitly accounting for the long-term impact on user behavior, nor the potential need for planning action sequences. In this work, we propose the use of Markov decision processes (MDPs) to formulate the long-term decision problem and address two key questions that emerge in their application to user interaction. The first focuses on model formulation, specifically, how best to construct MDP models of user interaction in a way that exploits the great successes of myopic prediction models. To this end, we propose a new model called logistic MDPs, an MDP formulation that allows the concise specification of transition dynamics. It does so by augmenting the natural factored form of dynamic Bayesian networks (DBNs) with user response variables that are captured by a logistic regression model (the latter being precisely the model used for myopic user interaction). The second question we address is how best to solve large logistic MDPs of this type. A variety of methods have been proposed for solving MDPs that exploit the conditional independence reflected in the DBN representations, including approximate linear programming (ALP). Despite their compact form, logistic MDPs do not admit the same conditional independence as DBNs, nor do they satisfy the linearity requirements for standard ALP. We propose a constraint generation approach to ALP for logistic MDPs that circumvents these problems by: (a) recovering compactness by conditioning on the logistic response variable; and (b) devising two procedures, one exact and one approximate, that linearize the search for violated constraints in the master LP. For the approximation procedure, we also derive error bounds on the quality of the induced policy. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach on advertising problems with up to several thousand sparse binarized features (up to 2^54 and 2^39 actions). View details
    Preview abstract A key problem in structured output prediction is direct optimization of the task reward function that matters for test evaluation. This paper presents a simple and computationally efficient approach to incorporate task reward into a maximum likelihood framework. We establish a connection between the log-likelihood and regularized expected reward objectives, showing that at a zero temperature, they are approximately equivalent in the vicinity of the optimal solution. We show that optimal regularized expected reward is achieved when the conditional distribution of the outputs given the inputs is proportional to their exponentiated (temperature adjusted) rewards. Based on this observation, we optimize conditional log-probability of edited outputs that are sampled proportionally to their scaled exponentiated reward. We apply this framework to optimize edit distance in the output label space. Experiments on speech recognition and machine translation for neural sequence to sequence models show notable improvements over a maximum likelihood baseline by using edit distance augmented maximum likelihood. View details
    Deep Learning Games
    Martin Zinkevich
    NIPS 2016 (2016)
    Preview abstract We investigate a reduction of supervised learning to game playing that reveals new connections and learning methods. For convex one-layer problems, we demonstrate an equivalence between global minimizers of the training problem and Nash equilibria in a simple game. We then show how the game can be extended to general acyclic neural networks with differentiable convex gates, establishing a bijection between the Nash equilibria and critical (or KKT) points of the deep learning problem. Based on these connections we investigate alternative learning methods, and find that regret matching can achieve competitive training performance while producing sparser models than current deep learning approaches. View details
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